I am an Object Oriented analyst and designer, and a Java(TM) software engineer and programmer.
At this time these are the most relevant web applications (accessible from the Internet) I contibuted to realize in a J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) environment. Other important works are not accessible by everyone (and not listed here), because they are deployed in an Intranet enterprise environment.

BDDE - Banca Dati Demografica Evolutiva
I worked in a CSI Piemonte team to realize the JSP/Servlet front-end of this statistical application provided by Regione Piemonte. The back-end was realized using SAS Software.
My work was concentrated in the making of the Intranet version (within the Rupar) called MADE (Motore per l'Analisi Demografica ed Epidemiologica), which is much more powerful and is reserved to professional users (such as scientists and government officials).
The application was presented at the Cipes: you can find an abstract here.

I realized these web applications, with the same technology used for BDDE, but with a simpler architecture:
Valutazione PSR
Censimento dell'agricoltura
Osservatorio del turismo

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