Sysepub Challenge

To evaluate more clearly the Sysepub's strength, I propose a challenge.
Everyone can try to make a plaintext attack and find the secret key. If you want you can send me your name or nickname [and home-page] and I will place it here in the challengers list. The first who eventually will break Sysepub will have a page here in which he will explain how he made it, and, if wanted, will be displayed his name or nickname and home-page and other eventual informations.

The challenge consists of this: download the zipped file below, in which you'll find a plaintext and a Sysepub "public key" used to obtain the ciphertext included. The Sysepub seed and pattern are secret, and you should try to find them. As additional help, I can tell you that the ciphertext was generated on 9 Oct 2002, 14:43 CET (this could help to calculate the output of the java.util.Random class) using Sysepub.class v. 0.8.1

Join the challenge! (Download size: 403 KB)

Time elapsed since the generation of ciphertext:

Days Hours : :

If you have found the secret key or if you have some questions about the challenge, please contact me.

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Copyright Pierre Blanc 2002
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