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Click to download the free game selecting the version of your operating system:

Windows XP, Android     (127 KB)       GDosBox

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10     (3,4 MB)

Sinclair ZX Spectrum     (20 KB)

Try this TIC-TAC-TOE free game, written in BASIC so many years ago. The 32 bit version runs under MS-DOS®, under DosBox for Windows® 64 bit, under GDosBox for Android (in order to play probably you'll need ES File Explorer File Manager to manage zip archives) and under DOSEMU for Linux.
Also check out these games links.
Play online:

The classical tic tac toe game

Play chess online for free against this Flash software or against other people all over the world, or download this game * written in QuickBASIC Windows® 64 bit compatible!

Open source with the GNU GPL license. Compiled by Microsoft® QuickBASIC 4.5. The game runs (and is editable) also with QB64

Dmoz Open Directory: QBasic and QuickBasic

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Copyright Pierre Blanc 1988-2020
* Authors: Dean Menezes, OlDosLover
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
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